
Thursday, April 23, 2009
If you have been in Network Marketing for any length of time, then you have experienced the downline whine... maybe you have even been a part of it. I must admit, when I first got into my primary business it wasn't long before I found myself whining. Why wasn't my upline doing more? Where were all the people that were supposed to be falling effortlessly under me? Etc... Have you been there?

Well, it wasn't too long before I attended a conference and heard my personal enroller talk about "whining". He listed the "Top 10 Whines" he always seemed to hear, and after each one he threw a pacifier out into the crowd. That impacted me - because I had said at least 4 of them. I remember thinking how foolish it is to whine - especially to those who are above me. They have been exactly where I am; have gone through the same struggles; have overcome and succeeded. So, why couldn't I?

Once I turned around my thinking and turned out the lights on my own personal pity party, things started to change. It was then that I saw more enrollees, it was then that I noticed more help from my upline, it was then that I began to see more and more people falling effortlessly underneath me. Why? Because people are not attracted to whining. People are attracted to confidence! So, what does this mean to you and your downline?

The best way to teach is to lead by example. Make sure that you are always living up to the following:
  • Never complain about your upline or company! If it is truly that bad, then why are you wasting your time with them. To stay in a bad situation says more about you than it does those above you. Most of the time it is not the company to be blamed but rather your attitude. After all I'm sure that your company has people who have succeeded who were just like you.
  • Don't slip into management mode. Are manager's ever truly liked? People respect and follow those they see "doing" not "telling".
  • Make sure one of the things you do is to clearly show all your new enrollee's exactly what to do in their first 30 days. This is not simply "make a list of your 10 closest friends" - but rather a true action plan that can help them truly succeed. While you can't do it for someone else, you should be able to give them the tools they need. If this isn't provided by your company, come up with your own training.
  • Know that there will always be whiners - in every company and at every level. Just make up your mind today that that will never be you or your downline... because you are going to train them how not to be!

Until next time, have a wonderful week and go recruit a new member!


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