
Friday, April 3, 2009
If you are in Network Marketing, then you know exactly what your Warm Market is! This is the list of 10-100 people that your upline sponsor told you to make. This list consists of your close family, friends and your second cousin twice removed that your aunt said may be interested in your opportunity. However, if you are like most people who have ever tried Network Marketing or any type of Home Based Business, then you have discovered that secret that no one told you when you were handing over your credit card information. The secret is, are you ready for this, the odds are very high that you will never get rich on you warm market alone. In fact, they are so stacked against you that to believe otherwise is simply not facing reality. As anyone who has been suscessful in Network Marketing will tell you, you need to have a plan after you have approached those closest to you. Because as you have found out, not too many of your friends and family are as excited about your opportunity as you are. So, what to do after your warm market...

There are 3 things that seem to be consistent among every sucessful Network Marketer I come in contact with, no matter what his/her business is.

1. Enlarge your network.

I know, this sounds very elementary; but you would be surprised how many people refuse to put themselves out there and meet new people (I guess they failed to look up the definition of Network Marketer). Becoming a part of local organizations, clubs, and other social groups is vital - we are, afterall, in the business of talking with people! However, let me give some advice in this area. If you are going to get out of your comfort zone and meet some new faces, make sure you are meeting people who have a positive outlook on life. Spending your time with anyone else is going to drain your own enthusiasm and then all is lost.

2. Dive into Online Advertising.

Now before you jump, make sure to do your homework! We live in a WIFI World and to pretend that major sucess in any type of Network Marketing business is going to come apart from the internet is simply foolishness. Yet the reason for doing your homework is because if you don't, you will become very broke very quickly. Advertising cost money but is definitely worth the investment - as long as you know when and how to advertise. I will go indepth on this topic in a future blog, but if you want more information now, you can check out a resource that I personally use. Mike Dillard and Magnetic Sponsoring has helped me generate more leads than anything I have done to date.

3. Invest in Yourself.

I know you have a great product. I know your companies business model is the best on the market. Every Network Marketer believes that - it is why you are with them to begin with. Either you believed in the product or the opportunity or both. However, your product is not your greatest asset - you are. Investing in yourself is the greatest thing you can do to guarantee sucess, no matter what door of opportunity you are getting ready to walk through. Why? Because people will "buy" you long before they buy your product. If you take the time to increase your social skills, take care of yourself physically and glean from the wisdom of many who have gone before, you will be amazed at the return on your investment!

Until next time, please take a moment to subscribe to my blog and share your thoughts and comments. And as always, feel free to email me with any questions!


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