
Friday, April 3, 2009
Do you hate hearing the word "No"? If you are like most people, this word, especially in Network marketing, can be devestating - they simply don't know how to handle rejection. However, most people in Network Marketing will never make more than $500 a month, with the vast majority never even getting their initial investment back. So, our goal is not to be like most people! Our goal is to not only handle rejection (which everyone experiences without exception) but to actually be able to turn it into something positive.

In his book, Boundaries, Henry Cloud speaks to the fact that a person's "no" is just as important as their "yes". And while this seems like a valid statement, it must be expounded upon and truly understood, if you want to learn how a "no" can be anything other than a negative. To begin with, when you encounter your next "no" at a home-meeting, or on the phone, or wherever you network, Don't Take It Personally! This is not the time to continue to show them your product benefits, restate your business plan, or impress again why they really need to act now before this opportunity passes them by. All of this is "pressure sales" and will never result in the outcome you are looking for. You are a Network Marketer, not a Tele-Marketer. No one likes to be pressured into anything. Even if you "convince them" to say yes, what have you really accomplished? You now have a member on your team who really doesn't want to be there, will most likely cancel their membership within the first month and will think twice the next time you say "Let's meet them for a cup of coffee and catch up."

Next, find out the reason why they said "no"; not in order to try and save the sale but to truly understand. Is it the cost of the product? Is there something in their life that is keeping them from making this type of decision? Doing this, even though it may seem like a waste of time, can be invaluable to you. First, it shows you to be a person that really cares - that person is not just a dollar sign to you. Second, it helps you to understand and critique your sales pitch. If you are going to go through the trouble of actually getting in front of people, why not make it a learning experience for things that work and for things that don't.

After you have found out the reason, thank the person for their time. Let them know that if they ever change their mind or their situation changes, you would love to talk with them further. You will be surprised at the people who will call you back if you have treated them with respect and didn't seem desperate. However, this means you can't seem desperate! Leave the person alone. You have laid out your business plan. You have given them your website and product information. You don't have to bring these things up everytime you see them. One of the biggest complain about Network Marketers is that every conversation they have with you ends up coming back to asking if you would like to join their opportunity. What a turn off! Don't be that guy/girl.

Now, move on. Yes, go to the next person. You are looking for people who saw the same opportunity you saw - not for people you have to continually convice. You will find them - either in person or on the web (which we will talk about in an upcoming Blog), but you have to keep looking. The only one stopping you from success is you!

So, let's recap. When you hear the word "NO":

  1. Don't Take It Personally!

  2. Find out the reason why - not in order convert a sale - but rather to truly understand.

  3. Thank the person for their time and let them know that if they ever change their mind you would love to speak with them further.

  4. Leave the person alone - at least with your opportunity. You have laid out your opportunity; you don't need to bring it up in every conversation from now on.

  5. Move on!

Remember, everyone will experience "No's" in their business; but how we respond to them will determine our success.


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